понеділок, 10 лютого 2020 р.

Учнів, вчителів та гостей школи зустрічали невід'ємні атрибути країни, мова якої вивчаєтся.

Країнознавча вікторина, проведена серед учнів 8-9 класів, показала, що всі учасники добре знають історію, звичаї і традиції англомовних країн.

1. What does the United Kingdom consist of?
a) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
b) England, Scotland and Wales
c) Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
d) England, Scotland and Northern Ireland

2. The name of the clock in the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is …
a) Big Sam
b) Big Ned
c) Big Ben
d) Big Mac

3. What river is London situated on?
a) Thames
b) Tyne
c) Clyde
d) Severn

4. What are the oldest universities in Great Britain?
a) Edinburgh and London universities
b) Oxford and Cambridge universities
c) Reading and Glasgow universities
d) Harvard and Yale universities

5. From the European Continent the British Isles are separated by …
a) the North Sea and Irish Sea
b) the North Sea and the English Channel
c) the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean
d) the Irish Sea

6. The United Kingdom is a …
a) parliamentary monarchy
b) constitutional monarchy
c) parliamentary republic
d) constitutional republic

7. The administrative unit of the United Kingdom is a…
a) state
b) province
c) canton
d) county

8. The climate of Great Britain is generally …
a) mild
b) frosty
c)  cold
d) freezing

9. Which is the most popular drink in Britain?
a) tea
b) coffee
c) juice
d) vine

10. Where are the Metropolitan Police headquartered in London?
a) Westminster Abbey
b) the Houses of Parliament
c) the Tower
d) Scotland Yard

11. Who founded the waxwork museum in London?
a) Madam Bovary
b) Madam Tussaud
c) Madam Curie
d) Madam Butterfly

12. The official residence of Queen is …
a) Whitehall
b) the Barbican Center
c) Buckingham Palace
d) St. James’s Palace

13. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of?
a) three
b) four
c) two
d) one

14. What is one of the two oldest universities cities of Great Britain?
a) Reading
b) New Haven
c) Princeton
d) Oxford

15. What is the longest river of the Great Britain?
a) Thames
b) Tyne
c) Clyde
d) Severn

16. What is the deepest river of Great Britain?
a) Tyne
b) Thames
c) Clyde
d) Severn

17. What is the highest peak in Great Britain?
a) McKinley
b) Ben Nevis
c) Ai-Petri
d) Scafell

18. What is the capital of Wales?
a) Cardiff
b) Birmingham
c) Oxford
d) Dublin

19. What is Heathrow?
a) the largest industrial center in Great Britain
b) the airport near Belfast
c) the largest London airport
d) the biggest seaport in Great Britain

20. What is the unit of currency in the UK?
a) euro
b) pound
c) dollar
d) franc

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